Cannabis Indica

Cannabis Indica is more profound and resilient compared to Cannabis Sativa; however, it doesnot grow as tall as Sativa does. Indica plants normally grow 3-6 feet tall. Unlike Sativa, the plants have plenty of fresh leaves which are round in shape. One of their their similarities is that both species of Cannabis have soft colored seeds. Indica can be grown indoors quite comfortably since it is quite short.

Compared to Sativa, Indica flowers much faster and this is partly aided by the fact that this can be altered by adjusting the light cycle. The plant thrives well in latitudes above 30° N, and you will find it in countries such as Nepal, Lebanon, Morocco, and Afghanistan.

The buds and flowers of the Indica plant grow in close proximity and are quite sticky when touched, compared to Sativa. For those who intend to make hashish, Indica is the preferred plant since it contains the desire amount of resin.

This type of weed would be the best pick for a frequent stoner since it has a high sedative effect and therefore the whole body is put in a state of relief. The CBN content is quite high and it is the one responsible for giving one a high than is more than the norm. It has a couple of excellent medicinal properties:

  • Insomnia
  • Getting rid of pain
  • Inducing relaxation of muscles
  • Muscle spasms
  • Controlling anxiety
  • Headache, and migraine relief

Growing Cannabis Indica

Cannabis Indica is a variety of marijuana which has relatively higher output as well as a reduced flowering period. Also, the leaves are shorter and broader than of Sativa species. The plant is generally small yet it has the ability to get quite leafy. These are some of the reasons why it is preferred by most people who grow it.

The fact that it has relatively shorter flowering periods means that it can be comfortably grown in area which experience colder climates with sorter winters. Their short height make them a favorite for indoors growing since they don’t have any form of inconveniences.

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