Cannabis Ruderalis

The Origin of Cannabis Ruderalis

The term ruderalis has been derived from the word ruderal which is a common term in the plant sphere. A ruderal species is a species which displays resilient growth in its immediate environment despite being interfered with by various factors. The environment could be encroached by human settlement as well as other natural forces which are beyond human control or intervention. The common belief among most people is that ruderalis can be traced back to indica species which displays toughness even in the face of advrse climatic conditions especially from the northern regions where it emanated from. It is believed to have originally hailed from the vicinities of Asia, Central/Eastern Europe, and particularly Russia. The natives in Russia made use of the term “ruderalis” to refer to varieties of the hemp plant which are not under cultivation by humans yet have thrived in adverse climatic conditions.

Initially, cannabis ruderalis was regarded as a wild species of cannabis. In the recent years this perception has changed and it has been brought on board to help come up with improved hybrid varieties. Cannabis ruderalis is short and the frame is quite narrow when compared to Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica. It grows to a maximum height of between 1-2.5 feet at harvest. The product exhibits a shabby and irregular growth pattern especially when compared to its equals, sativa and indica. It possesses broad leaflets which have a light green tone.

The buds from the ruderalis plant are quite short and stocky and the support is provided by the robust, thick stems. What makes ruderalis unique is its flowering cycle which is altered based on its maturity as opposed to being triggered by photoperiod like indica and sativa varieties. Recent forms of ruderalis flower about 21-30 days after planting without necessarily take into account the light cycle. This is the sole reason most ruderalis hybrids are referred to as “autoflowering” strains.

Effects of Cannabis Ruderalis

The effects of usage of cannabis ruderalis alone are quite mild ad subtle since it naturally contains reduced proportions of THC. However, its endurance and relatively short lifecycle make it a favorite especially with breeders who are out to exploit its autoflowering capability and its adaptability. The traits ruderalis exhibits make it easy for breeders to come up with an autoflowering hybrid that possesses superior efficacy and as sweetened profile from its genetic counterpart.

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