Cannabichromene (CBC)

Cannabichromene, or as it is popularly termed, CBC, has not received enough positive publicity owing to the many benefits derived from it. CBC, similar to cannbidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is sourced from the very vital cannabigerolic acid (CBGa). After the sourcing part, the enzymes activate the conversion into cannabichrome carboxylic acid (CBCa). Where CBCa applies, the acid passes through the CBC synthase enzyme. With time or due to prolonged exposure to heat, CBCa will disintegrate into cannabichromene, through a process referred to as decarboxylation.

CBC has considerable medicinal value in quite a number of ways. These include:

  • Antimicrobial – CBC counters all forms of Bacteria and Fungi. It exemplifies quite formidable antibacterial properties on various gram-positive, gram-negative and acid-fast bacteria. It exhibits “mild to moderate” activity against various forms of fungi as well.
  • Anti-Viral – It has a considerable effect in the anti-viral implications cannabis has.
  • Anti-inflammatory Properties – CBC hs the ability to tone down edema as well as the soreness and irritation of the intestinal tract. It works such that it counters the inflammation without notifying cannabinoid receptors. Also, CBC brings about relatively solid effects when mixed with other cannabinoids.
  • Analgesic – It lessens pain, although the effects are not as strong as those of THC. CBC has a vital contribution to the general anesthetic properties of cannabis. CBC counters pain by “associating with a couple of targets involved in pain control” at the spinal level. CBC ha zero hallucinogenic effects and the hope is that with time, all cannabis products will treat pain without the hallucinatory effects.
  • Anti-Depressant– It combats depression. CBC alongside a couple of other cannabinoids may “chip in towards the wholesome mood-elevating properties cannabis possesses.” The working is a bit different form that of THC since different pathways are activated.
  • Prompts brain growth– CBC seemingly increased the growth curve in development of brain cells, in what is referred to as neurogenesis.
  • Anti-Proliferative – CBC hinders the growth of cancerous growths. This could result from its association with anandamide produced naturally by the body. The logic behind how it works is, it interferes with the activities of CB1 and CB2 receptors as well as conveniently countering human breast cancer. CBC hampers the intake of anandamide, thus a prolonged lasting effect in the bloodstream.
  • Migraines – CBC has proved as an effective fix for migraines.

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