
Greenhouses have the basic function of providing warmth and light so you can extend the life and the growing season of plants you wish to grow. Your greenhouse must have adequate ventilation, a ready supply of water and the possible heater that will be necessary if you hope to garden year round. Depending on what you grow, you will need to maintain a steady temperature. The temperature in a greenhouse can vary from one spot to the next as shady spots will be cooler than those areas that receive the most light from the sun. That requires placing the right plants in the best location so they can thrive. For example, large plants that require full sun can provide shade and cooler temperatures to plants that require less sun.

There are factors that we need to consider:

  • One must have in every greenhouse a thermometer so you can monitor the temperature. Generally, a temperature of about 50-80 degrees F is ideal.
  • While a heater is a necessity during the winter, you can save on energy expenses during the early fall and late spring when temperatures dip below what is comfortable to plants during cooler nights. TIP – (You can place a few dark-painted gallon drums filled with water in areas that receive full sun. When temperatures dip at night, the heat stored in the water in the drums will radiate back into the greenhouse to keep temperature steady.)
  • Ventilation is equally important in the greenhouse. Many good greenhouses have fans that can help to regulate temperature and humidity. Or allow for air flow using vents.
  • Light is another important element for plant growth. As the months go by, the amount of light varies. Plants that thrive in one place may not do well when the season changes and may need to be moved to another location. Some plants move into a hibernation phase when the weather turns cold. They do not need to be moved and don’t require much water during their dormancy period. TIP – Use Liquid Light.

Know which plants to place together and give them the adequate space they need for growth. Tall plants can provide shade while spreading plants will need more ground cover. It is like a puzzle. Each plant carries a shape to it that if you work it right, all can get equal amounts of light while allowing light to penetrate the lower canopies. Rotate plants to make them fit accordingly in your grow space.

Except for the essential tools, fertilizers and chemicals should be stored in a separate location such as a tool shed. Exposure to moisture can cause the chemicals in some products to evaporate and you will breathe them in. Don’t allow trash, or dead leaves to pile up and cluster your greenhouse.

Check your plants regularly for any diseases and pest infestation. To insure that insects don’t damage your plants, introduce some good bugs to control pests like aphids and worms. Friendly bugs such as ladybugs and praying mantis will help control mosquitoes, flies and other unwanted insects. Using Neem Oil or Azamax/Azatrol will help fight bugs and mildew and mold as well.

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