Seed reproduction

Seed reproduction

A seed has to contain all genetic traits displayed by the plant. The genetic makeup adopted by the plant works such that there is an internal system that whether it is regular, feminized, auto-flowering, or auto-flowering feminized. Seeds are born from sexual propagation and, therefore, they bear genes from each contributing parent. Some plants, referred to as hermaphrodites, have both male and female flowers on the same plant. The genes within the seed directly translate to a certain plant size; disease and pest resistance; root, stem, leaf, and flower production; cannabinoid levels; as well as other traits. The genetic constitution of a seed is the most crucial element that states the path the plant will take in terms of growth under artificial light or natural sunlight and the amount of cannabinoids produced.

All seeds are similar in terms of the basic requirements needed for germination and seeding growth. Robust healthy parents, appropriate breeding habits, and commendable care will result in strong seeds that display exceptional germination. Profound seeds create healthy plants and plenty of harvests. Seeds kept under detrimental conditions or stored for a relatively long time and have a high chances of breakdown. Seeds which are active and dynamic enough only take about a day or two to start growing. Some seeds take longer than others to germinate. Seeds that normally take more than a month to germinate are normally are slow and unproductive.

The cask which normally provides protection is normally not completely sealed for some plants and therefore they lead to intake of moisture and air. It also leads to hormonal imbalances which ultimately makes the seeds less productive. Permeable seeds are more prone to diseases and pests. Mostly, these type of seeds are white in color, frail, and crush with ease when slight pressure is applied. These are weak seeds that lack enough fortitude to go through the germination and growth phase.

An elementary view of a seed brings to light the embryo that is home to the genes and plenty of food supply all contained in a protective outer casing. This is a huge variety of seeds, from small dark ones that thrive in tropical climates to huge seeds meant for hemp oil extraction. Mature seeds that are hard, beige to dark brown, and spotted or mottled have the best germination success rate. Soft, pale, or green seeds are quite the opposite. Immature seeds exhibit inadequate germination and often lead up to unhealthy plants. Healthy, fresh, dry, mature seeds less than a year old shoot quite fast and grow into tough plants.

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