Cannabis Sativa

Cannabis Sativa is the most common marijuana brand that most people abuse the most in the form of smoking. The marijuana plant grows tall and it could go up to 15 feet in certain instances. The plant isn’t thick but it is most preferred due to its height.

The leaves of the plant are beautiful, elongated and narrow and they are fit for outdoor growth due to the fact that they grow considerably tall. The seeds are quite soft and are plain since they lack any form of markings. The plant takes it sweet time to flower and this hardly changes even when the light cycles are altered.

The most common places to find sativa are at latitudes below 30° N and such places include India, Thailand, Nigeria, Mexico, and Colombia.

The common practices sativa is subjected to is, it is dried, cooked and consumed. To get high, the users either vaporize or smoke the strain in context. The after-feeling of using sativa isn’t strong enough for one to get stoned. However, one is bound to get an exhilarating, pick-me-up kind of effect that is attributed to sativa’s restorative effects. One ends up feeling happier and this is quite different from the soothing effect one receives when they use Indica.

Sativa also has the effect of improving one’s creativity levels though this is totally dependent on the individual. The strain in this context is the associated energy levels which are kept at an all-time high and this sparks brilliance through modern, fresh ideas and concepts. This is particularly beneficial for artists who thrive on creativity. Sativa has a higher proportion of THC compared to CBN, the major active ingredient in Cannabis.

Sativa domain strains contain a high proportion of THC cannabiboid. For this reason, it is least preferred for any form of medicinal use although it is a common constituent in Ayurvedic medicine. They are quite effective to counter a couple of symptoms which include

  • depression
  • ADD
  • fatigue
  • mood disorders

Growing Cannabis Sativa

Cannabis Sativa is a strain that basically flowers over a prolonged time period and reduced output when compared to Cannabis Indica; also, the leaves are narrow and elongated. They are relatively taller compared to other plants and this is due to their proximity to the equator region. The region is characterized by lengthier summers.

One benefit of growing Cannabis Sativa is that the vegetative phase is relatively short. The plant can be altered in different ways and some varieties of the plant have shorter flowering phases. For regions where the temperatures are relatively high, Sativa is the best for such climates since it is able to endure such weather

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